
Jeanne Mckenzie and Nicki Gustafson are two Medfield moms who in 2006 met a family who was struggling to put food on the table and pay their rent. 

The two knew there was no way the large family would be able to afford Christmas gifts during the holiday season. The McKenzie and Gustafson families teamed up to anonymously provide Christmas for this family in need. In the process of doing so they realized how little effort it took on their part to make such a large impact in that household and provide Christmas joy. In return, it was the greatest gift they gave to themselves that Christmas.

After that experience, Jeanne and Nicki realized a need for a liaison between those in need and those willing to help. So in 2007 they started Christmas Angels.

About Those We Sponsor
The following scenarios are adapted from the very real issues of Medfield families served through holiday giving programs over the years.

What your giving means to some:
(taken from true stories)

When my wife died this past year, I wasn’t thinking about the holidays.  I was just trying to get by and provide for my kids.  She had been sick for a long time and when she died we had spent most of our life savings on treating her illness.  When I received the letter in the mail about Angel Tree addressed to my wife, I realized that it was through Angel Tree that she was able to provide gifts for our kids last year.  She did this without even telling me.  Even as sick as she was, she always put our children first. I sat at my kitchen table and cried.  I contacted the Medfield Youth Outreach office and made sure I signed my kids up again.  You not only signed me up for Angel Tree, but also called back offering that a local group would sponsor my family’s entire Christmas.  Even through our heart break, we were blessed by the generosity of others in the Medfield community with a bountiful Christmas.  You will never know how blessed I feel and how grateful I am for the support. 

My husband and I have lived in Medfield for many years.  We lost our home due to an inability to pay our mortgage after my husband lost his job.  I grew up here and always wanted to raise my children here.  I did not want to pull my kids away from family and friends in town.  We rented a small apartment in town.  I went back to work, but because I never worked before, I had to take a job in retail.  I thought I would always be a stay at home mom with my kids.  I work with a bunch of high school students for $8 per hour.  It’s a job, but it does not pay the bills.  My husband’s new job does not pay near what his old job paid.  We get by, but we never really meet our monthly bills.  I want my kids to go to college and have more opportunities that I have had and maybe they will.  Angel Tree this year provided us a way to help our kids feel normal.  There were actually gifts that they requested under the tree, instead of the stuff I find in the dollar store.  Thanks.