Monday, December 23, 2013

Learn More About Christmas Angels

Welcome to our site!

With your help we hope to expand our charitable endeavors for holidays to come. This website will serve as a forum to share news, ideas, and match families.

Find out how the Christmas Angels was started by clicking on the "About" page

Learn how to become a Christmas Angel by clicking the "How Christmas Angels Works" page

To see what items we hope are donated for various families, click "The Christmas List: Help Others"

"counting our Blessings and helping those less fortunate"

Dear Christmas Angels,

Because of your generous and caring hearts 62 families will have a brighter Christmas this year!  We were in awe of the generosity that was shown by each sponsor. The thought that was put into each wish list to be sure that everything was just what the family had requested was heart warming!  The Medfield community as well as those friends who live in other towns never cease to amaze us and we feel blessed to be part of it!  From Christmas Angels we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making Christmas joyous for families who are struggling. We wish you and your families peace love and joy this Christmas! 

Thank you and Merry Christmas!!

Nicki and Jeanne

 (Below is a letter of Thanks from Dawn at the Medfield Community Outreach..please read)

459 Main Street – Town Hall Floor 2
Medfield, MA 02052
December 17, 2014
Dear Christmas Angels,
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness this holiday season.  When all 62 families’ gifts arrived at Town Hall, it was an overwhelming display of the love shown neighbor to neighbor.  There have been multiple phone calls with parents/caregivers so grateful for the generosity and caring shown to them.  
The comments:  “I can’t get over the time it must have taken to pick such nice things”, “we could not believe all that was done”, “we hope that whoever did this for us knows how much it means”.  One mother had lost her job this week.  She said, “Please be sure in knowing that there is no Christmas at my house this year except for what was provided by the angels. Tell them I feel blessed.”  Another parent who is going through a chronic illness said, “I feel a little less alone in knowing so many people care.”  One mother, whose child will age out of the program before next year wrote, “My child hung on to the idea of Santa for a very long time which was possibly due to my absolute conviction when I said I did not buy the Santa gifts. Thank you to all the Secret Santa’s of Medfield.  The gratitude I feel is so overwhelming.”
May you all have a blessed New Year and the deep knowledge that through your giving you lifted up another family and provided hope during times of struggle.  It makes a difference.  We see that difference in the eyes of 62 faces as they pick up their gifts.
Thank you again for participating in Christmas Angels and providing for so many Medfield families.
Dawn Alcott, LICSW

We would also like to thank all of our friends who volunteered their time to help organize and pack up the gifts after drop off as well as pack them into 5 large vehicles to be transported to the town hall on drop off day. We couldn't make this happen without all of your help and support!



Dear Christmas Angels,

When we posted our first 35 family’s wish lists at 10:30 pm on a Friday night in mid November, we were concerned, as we knew we that we may have even 20 more families in need. We wondered, would the community in Medfield be able to help out with such a great need this year? Well with in 10 minutes of posting, at almost 11:00 pm, 4 of the families were already sponsored!  Our hearts melted at the immediate generosity of this community! Our prayers were answered.  What came to mind for us is the a line from the movie Field of Dreams , “If you build it, they will come.”  Well we built it and you all came!! Together we sponsored 56 families this year and also provided hundreds of dollars of extra gift cards!!  This was the most families ever sponsored by Christmas Angels. Your kindness, compassionate hearts and generosity continue to amaze us. We feel blessed to be part of such a caring community.  Because of all of you there will be 56 families blessed with joy this Christmas morning as they open all of the beautiful thoughtful gifts that you all have given from your hearts.

We thank you all and offer our warmest blessing for a wonderful Christmas!

Jeanne and Nicki

Hi there
We wanted to pass on another letter of appreciation from Dawn at the Medfield Youth Outreach who provides us with most of our families in need. Please read below!
Thank you again!  Nicki and Jeanne

To all the families who sponsored other families through Christmas Angels,

How can we even begin to tell you how you all have blessed others this year?  What may seem like fulfilling a few requests on someone's Christmas list is really so much more.  You have provided love in a tangible way to families who have experienced stress and hardship and have resiliently prevailed.  Your care is almost a recognition that their efforts to get through hard times are not unnoticed.  It is an encouragement that we feel as each family (over 55 through the program this year) came to pick up their gifts.  Although a humbling and hard experience for many, there is also the gratitude that comes forward from each touched that someone who has never met them really cares.  We have heard statements like, "Please, please, please...thank those angels.  They really just don't know what this means!" "Bless whoever did this.  God bless them." "I am shocked.  My kids will have the best Christmas.  I am overwhelmed. Please thank who did this for us!"

Our voice mail is full with thanks.  Cards have come in.  The best thanks remains the actual load we see lifted as folks pick up their gifts and the stress melt away in their faces as a huge smile comes forth.  We can't really put it into words, but...maybe you can imagine it if someone has blessed you in ways unexpected.  

Thank you for paying whatever blessings you have been given forward in this way.  It is incredible to behold.

Many blessings to you and yours.  May your Christmas and 2014 bring you a deep sense in your heart that you all loved well.  That this love is not a one time event, but lives on in families lives...reminding them of their worth and value...that someone indeed cares even when life has been way too hard for too long.

Blessings for the year ahead and the warmest regards,

Dawn and Liz
Medfield Youth Outreach
459 Main St.
Medfield, MA 02052
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